AirSon Engineering News 2021 AirSon's CEO, Dan Kristensson interviewed in "Vetenskapsforum" discussing Covid-19 and HVAC AirSon, Controlled Environment, Pharma & Med-tech | 27 September 2021

AirSon's CEO, Dan Kristensson interviewed in "Vetenskapsforum" discussing Covid-19 and HVAC

AirSon's CEO, Dan Kristensson interviewed in "Vetenskapsforum" discussing Covid-19 and HVAC solutions, and the spread of airborne infections

Jan Lötvall, professor of allergic diseases at the University of Gothenburg, interviews Dan Kristensson regarding AirSon's work in investigating how the spread of viruses is affected depending on air exchange and the choice of ventilation system in different environments.

The work has been ongoing since spring/autumn 2020 as a direct consequence of the global corona pandemic and the results have led to several interesting conclusions. One of the most important shows that the importance of which filter class is installed in the ventilation system has a greater impact on the spread of infection, eg the reduction of circulation air.

Click here to see the full interview.

Vetenskapsforum covid-19 is an association consisting of a group of researchers who spread scientifically based knowledge about the questions and challenges that the ongoing pandemic has faced Sweden and the world.

Dan Kristensson interview